Recognize the most common signs and symptoms & treatment for balance disorders or vestibular disorders, and the impact they may have on daily routines...
Living With Essential Tremor
Essential Tremor (ET) is a nervous system (neurological) disorder that causes involuntary shaking movement in which no cause can be identified. Involu...
Early Signs and Symptoms of Dementia
Dementia describes a group of symptoms affecting memory, thinking and social abilities severely enough to interfere with your daily life. It isn’...
Caring for People Living with Dementia, during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Most likely, dementia does not increase risk for COVID-19, the respiratory illness caused by the new coronavirus, just like dementia does not increase...
Managing Common Parkinson’s Symptoms
Not like normal flu or cold, but Parkinson’s disease is different – it doesn’t go away and can change your life and lifestyle in man...
25% of Epilepsy Cases can be Prevented
Epilepsy is a chronic noncommunicable disease of the brain that affects people of all ages. Sometimes we can prevent epilepsy. “An estimated 25%...
How Do Cluster Headaches Happen?
Cluster headaches are a series of relatively short but extremely painful headaches every day for weeks or months at a time. You get a cluster heada...
Considerations for Migraine & Headache Treatment During the COVID-19 Global Pandemic
Amid the growing concern of COVID-19 and unprecedented public health crisis, those living with migraine and other headache disorders, has to understan...
Generally, people with migraines report that how summer weather triggers summer migraines. Does that mean no picnics, no summer outings or no beach ti...
Understanding the Post Vertigo "Weirdness"
My Vertigo is Gone but I Still Feel “Off” Vertigo – a term to describe the feelings of light headedness, floating, fainting and giddiness as sym...